Saturday, December 29, 2012

why do criminals get so much attention


       Preplanned or not it happened innocent kids and adults lost their lives.Blame it on media or a very sick individual I feel that the media always put to much attention on the person who committed the crime verses the ones affected by by the crime.How can the family grieve i every time the turn on the television it a replay on the tragic take the latest tragic story for days we have heard about Adam Lanza and the rampage he went on killing 20 children and 6 adults including his own mother. Why? What about the families why not consider what they must be going thru and give them time to mourn time to disgust what happened. I can only image what it would be like to lose someone let alone a kid so tragic and have to hear about it all day everyday on every channel on television in every news paper.Someone posted a remark about the social media giving the ones that commit the crime to much attention making them to be a somebody rather than a nobody I totally agree that we should not put so much emphasis on the criminal.Think about if it was child/family affected by so awful crime would you want to be broadcasted all over every channel every single day every time you turned on the television,probably not so why put the families affected in your shoes.
    Have you ever had such tragic happened to you or your family well i have twice once was my brother he was shot a killed at a night club do you know how it felt every single day all we heard was about the terrible killings at a night club with over twenty people injured and only one killed and that one was my brother at the age of 22 years old. The news media never thought of the family and how it would affect us hearing about this and seeing his picture flash across the television everyday after showing  the picture of the gunmen. The next time was my Auntie who was shot and killed by an Ex-boyfriend in her house same thing all over again The News Media talked about the gunman as if he was a celebrity or something never once did anyone contact the family to see how or if we were affected by this.I remember turning on the television for her daughter after it happened to try to get her mind off of what she had witnessed and the first thing that appeared was a picture of the man that had killed her mother in front of her and her brother she started to scream and ran out the room in fear, can you imagine that it took her a long time to even wanna watch T.V. because she assumed that the man that had harmed her family would be there waiting on the television. So again I have to ask am I The only one that feels The media gives The criminal to much attention

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